The previous chapter focused on the Indian trans-boundary legislation.
We will now turn our attention to the overview, interpretation & criticism
of the legislative regime. The present chapter will cover a broad overview of
ISDA and the role of prior agreements in the legal landscape.
The language of the applicable legislation provides several
pieces of interesting information.
The definition of "water disputes" in section 2
(c) of ISDA refers to three types of disputes. Trans-boundary water sharing is not explicitly included as a
"water dispute": it is only covered through sections 2 (c) (i). More
over, other types of disputes are specifically included. This leads to the
inference that ISDA's primary role is the adjudication of water disputes including but not limited to water
sharing. The very title of the act reinforces this inference.
ISDA title change through 2002 amendment may be interpreted
to clarify the exclusion of lakes and ground water (excluding sub-surface
streams) from the scope of the legislation. Lahiri notes "It became the
Inter-State River Water Disputes
Act, 1956 only after the 2002 Amendment on and from August 6, 2002".
Section 3 of ISDA empowers state governments to raise water
disputes. This (together with the title itself) can be inferred to bar
individuals and other non-state players such informally defined
"regions". Only a state government can pray for remedy if aggrieved.
Section 3 (and indeed ISDA itself) relates only to
inter-state disputes. This is evident from both the language and the title. Taken
together it is not possible for any one other than a state government (e.g. a
regional council) to escalate a water dispute against another district, region
or state. Distribution of water within
a state (i.e. entry 17 rights) is clearly out of bounds.
I emphasize some of the above assertions are based on the
sum total of my understanding after going through hundreds of pages of case
law, tribunal reports & scholarly works. I realize I am not backing up some
of these "on the spot" but this is to avoid increasing the pages of this
Commission, tribunal & courts
A commission appointed under section 130 of the 1935 act is
limited to an advisory role. The Governor-General had wide discretionary power
as confirmed in section 131 (9). He has the authority to take decisions or
modify decisions he has already taken. The arbitrariness in his role as well as
possible conflict with "his Majesty in Council" appear to be the main
reasons why KWDT suspected "political considerations". The situation
did not appear to have improved much from the pre-1935 period when the Griffin
arbitration award was overturned by executive action.
Another distinction relates to the composition and
appointment. Section 131 (1) of the 1935 act permits a commission to include
individuals "having special knowledge and experience in irrigation,
engineering, administration, finance or law", as decided by the Governor-General.
The Indus Commission consisted of two members apart from the Chairman Justice
BN Rau: both were engineers.
On the other hand, ISDA section 4 (2) limits the membership
to serving (at the time of nomination) judges selected by the Chief Justice of
India. Section 4 (3) relates to the appointment of assessors.
Unlike a commission setup under the 1935 act, a tribunal constituted
under ISDA is empowered to pronounce a decision. This decision is binding on
all the parties to the dispute as well as the central government. Tribunal
decisions may not be questioned in a court of law. In practice this may not
have worked out smoothly due to several reasons. Nevertheless a tribunal is a
powerful adjudication institution.
Tribunals vs. courts
How do tribunals compare with courts? While a tribunal
decision may not be challenged in any court, this relates only to the decision
itself. This is not helpful in determining a tribunal's hierarchy insofar as
stare decisis is concerned.
KWDT (volume IV, page 11) provides some clues:
a Tribunal constituted under a special statute has no common law or inherent power, see Kamaraja Nadar v. Kunju
Thevar (1959) S.C.R. 583, 596 (Election Tribunal). However, if authorized by
the statute by which it was constituted, it may review its decision, see Sree
Meenakshi Mills Ltd. v. Their Workmen (1958) S.C.R. 878, 888 (Labor Appellate
Tribunal under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947); Mulla's Code of Civil
Procedure 13th Edition, page 1669; and may correct an accidental omission, see
Tulsipur Sugar Company Ltd v. State of U.P. (1970) 1 S.C.R. 35, 37, 41-45 (Labor
Court under U.P. Industrial Disputes Act, 1947).
This Tribunal
is set up under the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956. Its powers are
circumscribed by the provisions of that Act. It has no inherent powers. It has some trappings of a Court. Section 9 of the Act gives the Tribunal some
powers of a Civil Court and also enables it to regulate its practice and
procedure. But the powers under section 151, 152 or under section 114 or Order
47 Rule 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure have not been conferred on it. Section
5(1) of the Act provides for reference of a water dispute and any matter appearing
to be connected with or relevant to the water dispute to the Tribunal for
adjudication. Section 5 (2) directs the Tribunal to investigate the matters referred
to it and forward to the Central Government a report setting out the facts as
found by it and giving its decision on the matters referred to it.
pages 512 to 513 of Vol. II of the Report we have pointed out that a Tribunal
appointed under the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956 is not a permanent body and it cannot retain
jurisdiction to modify its decision, apart from its statutory power to do
so upon a reference made to it under section 5 (3) of the Act within three
months of the decision".
The above may be considered in view of the following:
Tribunals frequently cite both case law (Indian
& international) as well as other tribunal reports
The converse does not appear to be true. The
Indian case law I referred frequently cited the appropriate tribunal but this
was only for understanding the reason behind a decision
I have not come across a single instance where
an Indian court cited a different tribunal's
Not withstanding the jurisdictional bar, it is therefore
safe to conclude a tribunal's report has little if any precedential value
outside of water dispute adjudication. Even this may be limited by context e.g.
CWDT's approach on basin transfers may not be relevant to different situations.
Prior agreements
KWDT (volume I, page 101) reading sections 2 (c) (ii) and 3
(c) of ISDA together determined: "if there is an agreement between the States
relating to the use, distribution or control of the waters, that agreement
should be implemented". GWDT (page 109) also cites this. KWDT also cites
the Indus Commission's views "The agreement determines their respective rights and obligations and furnishes
the agreed "law" on the subject".
On a similar note, Lahiri states the Indus Commission held "where
there was an agreement, the agreement itself determine the limits and any
transgression of this agreement would make the transgression actionable".
It may be noted that section 3 (c) refers to any agreement
"relating to the use, distribution or control of such waters". While
water sharing agreements are included, this may also include other agreements
relating to the use/distribution/control of waters. There is also no
restriction on the modalities of sharing. Agreements signed for Godavari water
sharing adopted several methods including specific projects, sub-basins or part
thereof, TMC shares as well as combinations of these.
In an agreement signed on July 12, 1974 Madhya Pradesh (MP),
Gujarat, Maharashtra & Rajasthan agreed on several aspects relating to the
dispute then being adjudicated by Narmada Water Disputes Tribunal (NWDT). Apart
from agreeing the water quantity available at 75% dependability as 28 MAF
(million acre-feet), the parties agreed to set aside 0.25 MAF & 0.50 MAF
respectively for Maharashtra & Rajasthan. NWDT accordingly allocated this
water to the two states in clause III of the decision.
GWDT also refused to interfere with valid agreements between
states. The central government in its clarification 5 requested the tribunal to
provide for a review as water available may become scarce with the passage of
time. The tribunal refused the request stating "The decision of the
Tribunal is based on the Agreements
between the parties and there is no stipulation in the Agreements for the
review of the decision. As such, we do not find it necessary to amend the Final
Order in this respect".
Interpreting agreements
Andhra Pradesh v. Maharashtra & Ors, 2013 (Babhali
barrage case) provides an interesting case study on how agreements are to be
drafted. The case centered to a great extent around clause II (i) of the
agreement dated October 6, 1975, between the two states. This agreement was
included in the award as Annexure II vide clause V (A) (b). The relevant text
is shown below for ready reference.
"II. (i) From the waters in the area of the Godavari
basin below Paithan dam site on the Godavari and below Siddheswar dam site on
the Purna and below Nizamsagar dam site on the Manjira and up to Pochampad dam site on the Godavari, Maharashtra can utilize waters not
exceeding 60 TMC for new Projects including any additional use over and above
the present sanctioned or cleared utilization, as the case may be".
AP argued inter alia the phrase "up to Pochampad dam
site" includes the entire storage area of the dam. Maharashtra argued the
phrase had to be interpreted literally i.e. "up to the concrete structure
of the dam" as this meaning was used in other clauses of the agreement.
Any other interpretation, it argued "would result into absurdity and make
other clauses unworkable".
Maharashtra also contended that there was no limitation in
its rights in its territory: "If the intention of Andhra Pradesh was that
Maharashtra should not utilize the waters of Pochampad reservoir in its
territory, such limitation would have been provided expressly".
Justice Rajendra Mal Lodha agreed with Maharashtra holding:
"We are in agreement with Mr. TR Andhyarujina that if the intention of
Andhra Pradesh was that Maharashtra should not utilize the waters of Pochampad
reservoir in its territory, such limitation would have been provided expressly.
When an agreement is entered into between two or more states, they have
assistance of competent legal and technical minds available with them. The states do not have lack of drafting
ability. Such agreement is drafted by trained minds. An agreement such as
inter-state water sharing agreement would not leave its interpretation to
chance. In our view, in the absence of any express limitation, except quantity,
on the use of water by Maharashtra within its territory in Clause II i), the
interpretation put by Andhra Pradesh to this Clause cannot be accepted".
Justice Lodha rejected AP's interpretation of the phrase
"dam site" and upheld Maharashtra's contention. "The contention
of Mr. K. Parasaran, learned senior counsel for Andhra Pradesh that up to Pochampad
dam site in Clause II (i) and Clause II (ii) means up to the spread area of
Pochampad dam and not the concrete structure of the dam does not appeal to us.
The common meaning of the word “dam” is the structure across the stream,
including the abutment on the sides".
The learned judge agreed with Maharashtra that an expression
must carry the same meaning at all places where it is used, unless expressly
provided otherwise. He wrote: "If the meaning of Pochampad dam site is
given meaning as spread area of Pochampad dam, Clause V does not make sense and
leads to absurdity. Clause V becomes workable only when Pochampad dam site is
understood to mean concrete structure of the dam".
While agreeing with AP that "generally there cannot be
lake/pondage of a project of one state within the lake/pondage of the project
of another state", the court held this was not the focus of the case in
the absence of engineering and hydrographic testimony. As the arguments on
either side were centered on the interpretation of II (ii), this alone was
considered for the judgment. The learned judge held "Like any other
agreement, the terms of inter-state agreement ordinarily must be found out from
the actual words employed therein".
"All agreements are contracts if they are made by the
free consent of parties competent to contract, for a lawful consideration and
with a lawful object, and are not hereby expressly declared to be void":
section 10 (excerpt) of the Indian Contracts Act, 1872
Email from Challa Hanumanth Rao:
ReplyDeleteI have read your four blogs in detail. You have gone into depths. You have started the issue from the ages of KURAN,BIBLE etc and extensively quoted from the various chapters of QURAN where the water and river issues were studied and resolved by the religious elders so intelligently that nobody looses. How the usage of water for drinking purpose and for bathing etc purposes was defined and resolved properly so that there were no fights afterwards.
I am sure that not many leaders from A.P might have studied so clearly. It requires lot of patience and energy for preparing such an extensive research study.
I feel GOD has given TELANGANA in appreciation of your work.
I feel you should start similar work on CORRUPTION so that corruption will be eradicated immediately.
ReplyDeleteThe article is full of conceptual and/or factual errors
Delete"1956లో ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ అవతరించినప్పుడు, రాష్ట్రం లో సాగుభూమి వివరాలు ఇవి: ఆంధ్రలో 19.37 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, రాయలసీమలో 5.31 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, తెలం గాణలో 9.31 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు. అదే 2008 సంవత్సరం వచ్చే సరికి సాగుభూమి ఆంధ్రలో 30.68 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, రాయలసీమలో 7.72 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, తెలంగాణలో 24.45 లక్షల హెక్టార్లకు పెరిగింది."
Not sure whether he is referring to NIA or GIA. Not clear if he is including privately funded irrigation.
"1957 తరువాత మిగిలిన రెండు ప్రాంతాలతో పోల్చి చూసినప్పుడు సాగునీటి పథకాల అభివృద్ధి తెలంగాణ ప్రాంతంలోనే ఎక్కువ జరిగింది"
In WY 2008-09, a total (GIA) of 18.1 lakh hectares were irrigated under new major irrigation projects commissioned after 1956. Telangana accounted for 41.7% while Andhra & Seema benefitted to the tune of 50.8% & 7.5% respectively
"1976లో బచావత్ ట్రిబ్యునల్ తన తీర్పును ప్రక టించింది. అప్పుడు ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్లో ఒక్క జూరాల ప్రాజె క్టుకే (17.9 టీఎంసీలు) ట్రిబ్యునల్ కేటాయింపులు చేసింది"
No tribunal can allocate water to a project (or sanction a project).
"తక్కువ వర్షపాతం నమోదైతే వెలవెలబోతాయి"
No law prevents any state from allocating water to any of its projects as long as it is from its own water share
"అయితే మద్రాస్ ప్రెసిడెన్సీ ఈ ఒప్పందాన్ని అమలు చేయలేదు"
Sribagh pact is between Andhra & Seema leaders. This relates to conditions to be implemented after Andhra state is formed. I am surprised Mr. Reddy expects Madras to implement it when it is neither a party to the agreement nor remotely concerned with it.
Madras in any case did push for irrigation projects to benefit Rayalaseema. Out of 950 TMC demanded by Madras in the 1951 conference, 850 relates to Seema (Krishna-Penna: 825 & TB HLC: 25).
"రాష్ట్రం విడిపోతే కృష్ణ మీద నిర్మించిన ప్రాజెక్టుల నిర్వ హణ కోసం నియంత్రణ మండలిని ఏర్పాటు చేయాలి"
The proposed board can only implement a tribunal decision. As a tribunal can only apportion water between states, the board's job will be to ensure that all states receive water allocated it. The board will have no right to interfere at project level.
"నియంత్రణ మండలి లేదా బోర్డు కృష్ణ నీటిని ఈ తరహాలో హైదరా బాద్కు తరలించడానికి భవిష్యత్తులో అనుమతించదు"
The board has no locus standi in the matter.
can elaborate this point "1956లో ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ అవతరించినప్పుడు, రాష్ట్రం లో సాగుభూమి వివరాలు ఇవి: ఆంధ్రలో 19.37 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, రాయలసీమలో 5.31 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, తెలం గాణలో 9.31 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు. అదే 2008 సంవత్సరం వచ్చే సరికి సాగుభూమి ఆంధ్రలో 30.68 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, రాయలసీమలో 7.72 లక్షల హెక్టార్లు, తెలంగాణలో 24.45 లక్షల హెక్టార్లకు పెరిగింది."
ReplyDeleteNot sure whether he is referring to NIA or GIA. Not clear if he is including privately funded irrigation.
DeleteSorry my comment was curt. As I was responding to many points in the article, I tried to be brief.
NIA vs. GIA:
There are two cropping seasons i.e. kharif & rabi. Some land holdings may be irrigated only once but some others are irrigated in both crops.
NIA (net irrigated area) is a measure of all irrigated land counting it *only once* irrespective of how many crops a land holding is irrigated. GIA (gross irrigated area) on the other hand, counts the holdings irrigated twice two times.
Irrigation sources:
There are various sources of irrigation water. I count project canals & irrigation tanks as publicly funded (i.e. maintained by the Government). The farmers pay a small amount as water charges but this is miniscule in comparison with the money spent by the Government.
Bore wells, on the other hand, are almost totally funded privately. The farmers buy, install & maintain the motors at their own cost. They receive a small subsidy by way of free power but this is not high compared to the other (extra) costs.
There is another aspect top bore wells. As per Indian law, you own the water in the ground below your land. Bore well farmers irrigate their lands with their own water while canal & tank farmers receive public waters.
I trust this provides greater clarity. Please note this comment is still an over simplification but a reasonable approximation of the actual position.
Thanks for your reply .